
Certified Professional Coder

Become a certified medical coder by earning your Certified Professional Coder certification (CPC®), the most recognized medical coding certification in the healthcare industry. The CPC is the gold standard for medical coding in physician office settings. Over 105,000 certified professionals help maintain compliance and profitability within medical practices through accurate medical coding and documentation.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for certified medical coders will increase 22 percent through the year 2022. Prepare yourself to meet the industry demand by becoming a certified professional coder. This is your first step to a career in healthcare. Increase your chances of being hired in a competitive job market.


Through rigorous examination and experience, certified CPC's have proven mastery of all code sets (CPT, ICD-10-CM, HCPCS Level II), evaluation and management principles, surgical coding, and adherence to documentation and coding guidelines. Certified CPC's represent excellence in medical coding.

Certified CPC's have demonstrated:

  • Expertise in reviewing and assigning accurate medical codes for diagnoses, procedures, and services performed by physicians and other qualified healthcare providers in the office or facility setting (eg, inpatient hospital)
  • Proficiency across a wide range of services, including evaluation and management, anesthesia, surgery, radiology, pathology, and medicine
  • A sound knowledge of medical coding guidelines and regulations including compliance and reimbursement – allowing a CPC to better handle issues such as medical necessity, claims denials, bundling issues, and charge capture
  • Understanding of how to integrate medical coding and payment policy changes into a practice's reimbursement processes
  • Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology necessary to correctly code provider diagnosis and services