Java Development

A website can be defined as a collections web pages can be accessed using a web browser in different devices like mobile or a desktop.
In this course you will learn some basics of web development like HTML, CSS, and Java Script which are the primary languages which a web browser can understand

Along with theory we provide hand's on experience in developing various websites using POC's in this course.

After completion of this course you will be able to develop some complex Responsive static websites


  1. Download and Installation Process of Java
  2. JDK, JRE and JVM
  3. JVM Architecture
  4. The JAVA Buzzwords
  5. The language of keywords
  6. Structure of Java Program
  7. How to write clean code?
  8. What are Variables?
  9. What are Data Types in Java?
  10. What are Operators in Java?
  11. Naming Convention.
  12. Type conversion and
  13. Java’s Selection statements – if, switch
  14. Iteration statements or Loops – while, do-while, for, for-each and Nested Loops
  15. Jump Statements – break and continue
  1. Classes and Objects in Java.
  2. New keyword and Object creation in Java.
  3. What are Constructors in Java?
  4. Polymorphism – Constructor Overloading and Method Overloading
  5. Method Overriding
  6. Abstraction
  7. Encapsulation
  8. Inheritance (IS-A)
  9. Aggregation and Composition (HAS-A)
  10. Super and final Keywords in Java
  11. Packages and Access modifiers
  1. What is a String?
  2. Special String Operations
  3. Character Extraction
  4. String Comparison
  5. Additional String Methods
  6. What is Stringbuffer?
  7. What is Stringbuilder?
  8. Exceptional Handling Fundamentals
  9. Exception types
  10. Uncaught Exceptions
  11. try and catch block
  12. Nested try
  13. finally block
  14. throw keyword
  15. Exception Propagation
  16. throws keyword
  17. Exception Handling with Method Overriding
  18. Java built in Exceptions
  19. Creating your own exception subclasses
  20. Chained Exceptions
  21. Additional Exception Features
  1. What’s an array?
  2. How to initialize array?
  3. Autoboxing and Unboxing
  4. Inner class, Abstract class and Interfaces
  5. What is an Interface?
  6. What is an Inner class?
  7. Abstract Class.
  8. Interface vs Abstract Class.
  1. Collection Interfaces
  2. Collection Classes
  3. Accessing a collection via an iterator
  4. Internal Working of Hashmap and Treemap
  5. Hashmap vs Concurrent Hashmap vs Synchronized Hashmap.
  6. Comparator and Comparable
  7. Legacy Classes and Interfaces
  8. Dictionary, HashTable , Stack , Vector and Properties
  1. I/O Classes and Interfaces
  2. Two ways to close a stream
  3. What are the stream classes?
  4. What are the byte streams?
  5. What are the Character streams?
  6. Console class
  7. Serialization and Deserialization
  8. Transient Keyword
  1. Synchronization: What and Why?
  2. Synchronized method
  3. synchronized block
  4. static synchronization
  5. Deadlock
  6. Inter-thread Communication
  7. Interrupting Thread
  8. Servlets in Java - What is a Servlet?
  9. Servlet API and Interface
  10. Life Cycle of a servlet
  11. How Servlet works?
  12. Servlet Request
  13. Servlet Container
  14. Servlet Context
  15. Servlet Config
  16. Session Tracking
  17. Event and Listener
  18. Servlet Filter
  1. Multithreading: What and Why?
  2. Life Cycle of a Thread
  3. Creating Thread
  4. Sleeping a thread
  5. Joining a thread
  6. Thread Priority
  7. Daemon Thread
  8. Thread Pooling
  9. Performing multiple task by multiple thread
  10. Garbage Collection
  11. Runnable class
  1. Introduction to JDBC and driver types.
  2. DB Connectivity
  3. Statements
  4. Result Sets
  5. Data types
  6. Transactions
  7. Exceptions
  8. Batch processing
  9. Stored Procedures
  10. Streaming Data
  11. JDBC CRUD Example
  1. forEach() method in Iterable interface
  2. default and static methods in Interfaces
  3. StatementsFunctional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions
  4. Java Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections
  5. Java Time API
  6. Collection API improvements
  7. Concurrency API improvements
  8. Java IO improvements
  9. Miscellaneous Core API improvements