Angular Framework

Angular is an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.It is an open-source, client-side TypeScript based JavaScript framework.It is developed by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Angular is a platform that makes it easy to build applications with the web. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop.


  1. Introduction to Angular
  2. AngularJs vs Angular. What’s the difference ?
  3. Setting up the workspace for Angular
  4. Angular project structure
  5. Angular dependency injection
  6. Angular Components
  7. Parent and Child component relation and how they are rendered
  8. String interpolation in components
  9. Understanding the Angular CLI
  10. Generating Components using Angular CLI
  11. Angular life cycle management & Life cycle hooks
  12. Property & Event Bindings in Angular
  13. Two way Data binding in Angular
  14. Angular Structural Directives
  15. Custom Directives in Angular
  16. View Encapsulation in Angular and understanding ng-deep
  17. Angular Change Detection Strategy
  18. Angular Pipes - Built in and Custom
  19. Angular Decorators
  20. Working with Angular Forms
  21. Reactive forms vs model driven forms
  22. Form validation
  23. Angular Router, configuring routes, router outlet
  24. Passing parameters to routes
  25. Route Guard
  26. Angular Services
  27. Passing data between Components using input and output decorators
  28. Passing data between multiple components using services
  29. Introduction to RxJS
  30. Observables in RxJS
  31. Working with Angular Services and Observables
  32. Making HTTP requests
  33. Pluck, mergeMap and switchMap in RxJS
  34. Subject, Behaviour Subject, Replay Subject, Async Subject in RxJS
  35. Angular Material introduction
  36. Advantages of Angular Material
  37. Working with Angular Material most widely used Components
  38. NgRx overview
  39. Installing NgRx and NgRx Dev tools
  40. State management and it’s benefits
  41. Actions, Reducers, Selectors, Effects, Side Effects and store in NgRx
  42. NgRx router store
  43. NgRx data and entity state management
  44. Angular Security introduction
  45. Client Side User session management
  46. JSON Web Tokens
  47. Browser Cookies, Local Storage, Session Storage
  48. Overview of XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection Attacks
  49. Building an Angular Application
  50. Different between local build and production build
  51. Angular Prod Deployment, Jenkins Script for CI/CD Pipeline, Integration of Jenkins with GIT for automatic build deployment in prod server
  52. Unit Testing with Angular using Jasmine